Derivan Kindyglitz has been formulated as a safe, non-toxic paint to be used straight from the nozzle applicator or brushed out over your creation.  Derivans Glitter Glue can be used on pretty well any surface, paper, card, canvas, pretty well anything, but keep in mind that it is water-sensitive so it does mean, you know, if you give it a good scrub with soap and water it will come off. If you want to use Kindyglitz on a wearable, the idea would be just to gently put a coat or two of varnish, water-based varnish over the top of it to hold it all together you would need to do this For a broach, or a badge or something like that. So why not give Kindy glitz ago, we think it’s the best glitter glue in the world
All the colours may be intermixed to form other interesting glitter colours. It is possible to apply the glitters over black or dark coloured backgrounds for greater contrasts.To make Kindyglitz washproof, applyÂ
Derivan Polymer Gloss Varnish over the dried work.